he's mainly on the numbers were inflated and that its a Gates, Rockefeller, WHO hoax, but never calls out there is no virus, and maybe two papers in 21, or 22, or 23. Mostly on the push back etc.,
and this one on why Corona isn't the biggest fake (WTF!): "NEW PAPER, added 3/18/21, The Greatest Crime Against Humanity. It isn't the Coronafake." This one is minimizing corona and what it and the vaxes are leading to.
Most of what he writes is old done-deal stuff. I like his writings but now wondering if he is omitting and diverting us from the no-virus, de-population (genocide where 20 mil have already died and ongoing), and putting tech in us. I think you can't ignore what Omar says and my points here anymore.
I don’t know Mathis at all and he isn’t any more responsive to my emails as he is anyone else’s, as far as I know.
Also, I make no warranty, express or implied, as to the person of Miles Mathis or his work.
That said, I only recently became aware of his work, around April of 2023, and found it really eye-opening. I wanted to be able to review it a lot more closely and the first step in that process for me was an attempt at organizing it. And I thought it might be valuable for others so I’ve shared it here.
Is Mathis one of “them” or a “committee of them” as is alleged? I have no idea 🤷♀️
I have read a bunch of his articles and have found them to be consistent in “voice” (as in they appear to be authored by the same individual, except the ones explicitly labeled as written by guests) and he does appear to update his conclusions based on new information. But this is just my opinion.
I suggest that no one person has a monopoly on the truth and there are no shortcuts. Everyone who I believe to be one of “them” tells enough truth to still be a source for helpful information. I have been and continue to be misled, but as long as I allow myself to admit when I’ve been had, my discernment will improve.
As far as your comments regarding his lack of coverage of con-vid, I found several articles that address the topic and put them all here:
I’ve also seen him acknowledge that there may be no viruses where he referred to Jon Rappaport, so he’s at least aware of this issue, even if he hasn’t delved in to the subject to the degree it deserves. (If I come across that specific article again I’ll point it out.)
While I’d love to have him back up my research on the IRS lies, if he isn’t interested and doesn’t opine, that for me doesn’t negate the remainder of his other work.
I don’t write someone off just because they don’t take up my cause.
So take what your own discernment allows from Mathis’ work and leave the rest. And keep asking questions.
Thanks Dawn, nothing to do about any of it, just to read what he (or anyone) says with a discerning eye. It only took me 30min to read the Fan Wu paper to see covid was fraud, surely the "New Newton" could get it in 15 min? It just happens to be the defining paper for the boogeyman virus leading to tens of mil of deaths from the promoted treatment 😮. All the fake freedom fighters like Kirsch etc also are anti vax. That's not the door hiding the truth. The virus is. Keep in touch.
Good to be suspicious of EVERYONE, Proton. While I, too, find Miles Mathis' writing to be fascinating, we must read between the lines, always. An interesting thing regarding Miles Mathis: A friend of mine shared a link to one of his articles on Facebook. Didn't get reprimanded by Facebook. Not yet, anyway. May be a sign of controlled opposition(?) In any case, I feel that what Mathis writes is pretty close to the truth. So, it all helps in putting the pieces together.
He's on the truth for old stuff because the agencies don't care when there is no operational significance anymore. That gets us to believe he will be truthful about ongoing ops like viruses where he shows his true colors: MM is anti-terrain, provirus, and thus pro Pharma. This is a standard type of propaganda tactic. Read his terrain post and Omar Jordan's post on MM.
My grandfather in the Armenian mafia changed his name to Corsini to get the masses pissed at Italians. There are many psyops including the Jews as Illuminati, anyone can change their name and supposed affiliation.
Hi, Dawn. I've been reading some of Miles Mathis' work over the last few days, thanks to your organized links. Much appreciated. Question: I was sure I came across a link to something related to Robin Williams' suicide; but, now I don't seem to be able to find it. Are you aware of and Miles Mathis writings about Robin Williams' death? Thanks very much.
I’ve read many of Mathis’ papers, but not all of them. My next major project here is to create a names index so I can find these references when looking for them.
I don’t immediately recall where that Robin Williams reference might be, but if I come across it, I will share.
Interesting article, thanks for linking it. I had been enjoying MM’s work but Weisbecker is convincing. Either one of them could be the intelligence ops... I had not noticed any of the slip-ups that Weisbecker highlighted so I will be looking for them now.
We've been lied to about nearly everything. The psyops are real and ongoing. I find it best to check references, check what happens in the real world (follow the money and results) and, ultimately, apply my sense of right and wrong divined from Biblical wisdom.
A surfer though hmmm... I seem to remember Kerry Mullis having the same cool surfer acid dropping persona and we know he is controlled opposition most likely. Just an observation, I have yet to read his work.
Thanks for categorizing Mathis' voluminous output. I was a little taken aback when I saw your category "racists" with David Irving at the top of it. I'm in Milwaukee and I'm doing a weekly radio show here where I read some of his papers as well as other sources. But I've been here a year and a half and I haven't yet found a single person who is into Mathis or other vital knowledge for our present and future. I would appreciate if you know of anyone in the Milwaukee area to refer me too.
Hi Dane, you may use whatever you find valuable. However, I just want to caveat that this is incomplete and a work in progress, subject to change. I doubt I’ll make major changes but I continue to shift stuff around and add to it. I’m open to feedback as well. Would love to see your ebook whenever you’re ready to share.
Hi Dawn, this has been greatly updated, pls read, let us know what you think and if you can get Mathis to reply.
I also sent Mathis this file about 5 days ago and asked him to comment. So far no reply.
Looking at his posts, he has only 2 in 2020 on Corona like this (one wasn't even written by him)
like http://mileswmathis.com/cor2.pdf
he's mainly on the numbers were inflated and that its a Gates, Rockefeller, WHO hoax, but never calls out there is no virus, and maybe two papers in 21, or 22, or 23. Mostly on the push back etc.,
and this one on why Corona isn't the biggest fake (WTF!): "NEW PAPER, added 3/18/21, The Greatest Crime Against Humanity. It isn't the Coronafake." This one is minimizing corona and what it and the vaxes are leading to.
Most of what he writes is old done-deal stuff. I like his writings but now wondering if he is omitting and diverting us from the no-virus, de-population (genocide where 20 mil have already died and ongoing), and putting tech in us. I think you can't ignore what Omar says and my points here anymore.
See you!
Hey Proton, thanks for linking that article.
I don’t know Mathis at all and he isn’t any more responsive to my emails as he is anyone else’s, as far as I know.
Also, I make no warranty, express or implied, as to the person of Miles Mathis or his work.
That said, I only recently became aware of his work, around April of 2023, and found it really eye-opening. I wanted to be able to review it a lot more closely and the first step in that process for me was an attempt at organizing it. And I thought it might be valuable for others so I’ve shared it here.
Is Mathis one of “them” or a “committee of them” as is alleged? I have no idea 🤷♀️
I have read a bunch of his articles and have found them to be consistent in “voice” (as in they appear to be authored by the same individual, except the ones explicitly labeled as written by guests) and he does appear to update his conclusions based on new information. But this is just my opinion.
I suggest that no one person has a monopoly on the truth and there are no shortcuts. Everyone who I believe to be one of “them” tells enough truth to still be a source for helpful information. I have been and continue to be misled, but as long as I allow myself to admit when I’ve been had, my discernment will improve.
As far as your comments regarding his lack of coverage of con-vid, I found several articles that address the topic and put them all here:
Yes, several are guest-authored but he posted them so presumably he agrees. He’s also posted a bunch on the devastation of the 💉 shown here:
I’ve also seen him acknowledge that there may be no viruses where he referred to Jon Rappaport, so he’s at least aware of this issue, even if he hasn’t delved in to the subject to the degree it deserves. (If I come across that specific article again I’ll point it out.)
While I’d love to have him back up my research on the IRS lies, if he isn’t interested and doesn’t opine, that for me doesn’t negate the remainder of his other work.
I don’t write someone off just because they don’t take up my cause.
So take what your own discernment allows from Mathis’ work and leave the rest. And keep asking questions.
Take care,
Thanks Dawn, nothing to do about any of it, just to read what he (or anyone) says with a discerning eye. It only took me 30min to read the Fan Wu paper to see covid was fraud, surely the "New Newton" could get it in 15 min? It just happens to be the defining paper for the boogeyman virus leading to tens of mil of deaths from the promoted treatment 😮. All the fake freedom fighters like Kirsch etc also are anti vax. That's not the door hiding the truth. The virus is. Keep in touch.
Hi, Proton. Just wonder what is this "Fan Wu" paper you mentioned. Is there a link to it? Thanks.
Sure, see it in here and subscribe to keep up!
Thank you so much! I will check it out shortly!
Good to be suspicious of EVERYONE, Proton. While I, too, find Miles Mathis' writing to be fascinating, we must read between the lines, always. An interesting thing regarding Miles Mathis: A friend of mine shared a link to one of his articles on Facebook. Didn't get reprimanded by Facebook. Not yet, anyway. May be a sign of controlled opposition(?) In any case, I feel that what Mathis writes is pretty close to the truth. So, it all helps in putting the pieces together.
He's on the truth for old stuff because the agencies don't care when there is no operational significance anymore. That gets us to believe he will be truthful about ongoing ops like viruses where he shows his true colors: MM is anti-terrain, provirus, and thus pro Pharma. This is a standard type of propaganda tactic. Read his terrain post and Omar Jordan's post on MM.
Kaufman, Cowan, Jewish names. Terrain theory is like flat Earth. A psyop.
My grandfather in the Armenian mafia changed his name to Corsini to get the masses pissed at Italians. There are many psyops including the Jews as Illuminati, anyone can change their name and supposed affiliation.
Thanks. Couldn't find anything on MM by Omar Jordan. Would like to read it, though. Do you have a link?
Hi, Dawn. I've been reading some of Miles Mathis' work over the last few days, thanks to your organized links. Much appreciated. Question: I was sure I came across a link to something related to Robin Williams' suicide; but, now I don't seem to be able to find it. Are you aware of and Miles Mathis writings about Robin Williams' death? Thanks very much.
I’ve read many of Mathis’ papers, but not all of them. My next major project here is to create a names index so I can find these references when looking for them.
I don’t immediately recall where that Robin Williams reference might be, but if I come across it, I will share.
Thanks for reading.
This is amazing! Thanks for linking this Substack to my comment the other day. I’m going to be busy for years reading all this
This is wonderful, Dawn. Great resource. Thank you.
Utterly astonishing. Thank you for compiling this exhaustive list!!
I wouldn’t exactly call it “exhaustive” as there are lots more papers to add, but it’s a good start.
So, i just came across this:
I'd never heard of Weisbecker and hadn't seen that letter before. Today I came across Mathis' response near the bottom of this post:
More on Weisbecker in this article:
Interesting article, thanks for linking it. I had been enjoying MM’s work but Weisbecker is convincing. Either one of them could be the intelligence ops... I had not noticed any of the slip-ups that Weisbecker highlighted so I will be looking for them now.
More on Weisbecker in this article:
Question everything.
We've been lied to about nearly everything. The psyops are real and ongoing. I find it best to check references, check what happens in the real world (follow the money and results) and, ultimately, apply my sense of right and wrong divined from Biblical wisdom.
And then, sadly, this:
Wow very interesting. Thank you for these links!
A surfer though hmmm... I seem to remember Kerry Mullis having the same cool surfer acid dropping persona and we know he is controlled opposition most likely. Just an observation, I have yet to read his work.
Thanks for categorizing Mathis' voluminous output. I was a little taken aback when I saw your category "racists" with David Irving at the top of it. I'm in Milwaukee and I'm doing a weekly radio show here where I read some of his papers as well as other sources. But I've been here a year and a half and I haven't yet found a single person who is into Mathis or other vital knowledge for our present and future. I would appreciate if you know of anyone in the Milwaukee area to refer me too.
This is awesome! I'd considered doing something similar, but you've beaten me to it.
Would you mind if I contributed full-text "rips" of Miles's clunky old PDFs? They're pretty hard to read in that format.
Hi Dane, you may use whatever you find valuable. However, I just want to caveat that this is incomplete and a work in progress, subject to change. I doubt I’ll make major changes but I continue to shift stuff around and add to it. I’m open to feedback as well. Would love to see your ebook whenever you’re ready to share.
...oops.... from scribd: "The document Selected Works of Miles Williams Mathis and Contributors has been deleted."