Just today I heard Rupert Sheldrake mentioned by Alison McDowell. Morphic resonance and the hive mind, human computers, so much to learn. I learned Mongolian overtone chanting with his wife years ago.

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Thank you for that thorough write-up, Miles. I know very little about Sheldrake but what you have said doesn't surprise me. It is sad to think that 100% of the media is manufactured these days.

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I'd read his stuff and listen to his lectures before judging him on the back of this paper. Miles clearly stated that he hadn't been aware of Sheldrake and only been looking at him for a couple of days. Sheldrake lectures and books and personal studies reveal clear evidence of a very interesting and unexplored world that we have not even begun to scratch the surface of in accepted science. His theories are just that, theories backed with evidence, thats not to say that they are 100% correct, but I dont see him as a charlatan or world stage actor. I hope I'm not wrong.

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Even gatekeepers have interesting ideas and concepts worth exploring, I understand that much. Also, if an influencer supports the narrative their message will be amplified even if they aren’t part of the cabal. Knowing that Sheldrake could be a misdirection plant just puts me on high alert. I don’t think it is bad to question everything these days. And the fact that we are only allowed to have corporate-backed, Hegelian Dialectic massaged talking points as our responses without question makes the world a very scary place. I love well-thought-out essays. I will always come to my own conclusions with the understanding that my opinions may change over time.

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Absolutely Cathleen, of course you should always form your own opinions. I just find him really interesting. I don’t hang on his every word or anything like that, I just think his theories are facinating.

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